Daniel Keith Amerine
Music Ministry and
Web Support Professional
I have one EP Album and two Singles so far, but plans are underway for a new Studio Project soon.

Daniel Keith Amerine Music

Published by I’m Not Mine Music. What does the expression I’m not mine mean? It begs the question Whose are you? The New Testament clearly reveals God as a good nurturing Father Who wants sons and daughters, not employees or slaves. As we become deeper and deeper saturated with this revelation, He loves making us Gifts to this world – that they will see Him. Introductions are in order! Worshipping God is an encounter.

"O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him." Psalm 34:8

There’s not enough room in you for what GOD wants to do. He has designed you for His overflow. My prayer is that you deeply experience the Peace of God. Lift your heart to Him. He Loves you. Let the stress of life melt away in the presence of your Loving Father God. Allow His Peace to embrace you like a comforting hug and revel in the embrace of your Daddy God. He gave us triumph of New Life in Christ. This is the essence of my music.

© 2024 I'm Not Mine Music, LLC. All rights reserved.