
Behold the Lamb
Lyrics and Music by Daniel Keith Amerine


Verse 1:
Thank You for the Blood
Shed to cleanse me from my sin
And here I stand before
Your Throne of Grace needing more

Behold the Lamb. Jesus, my Lamb
Behold the Lamb. The Lamb of God!

Verse 2:
Thank You for the Cross
For my gain You took the loss
But You saw the prize
That You set before Your eyes

Behold the Lamb. Jesus, my Lamb
Behold the Lamb. The Lamb of God!

Behold the Lamb. Jesus, my Lamb
Behold the Lamb. The Lamb of God!

And let the redeemed of the Lord say so:
“Your Blood has washed us white as snow!
Your spotless Bride, cleansed and pure
We adore You, O Lamb of God!”

Lyrics and Music by Daniel Keith Amerine
Copyright © 1997 I’m Not Mine Music / BMI
Recorded ℗ 2019 I’m Not Mine Music, LLC
(Admin. by I’m Not Mine Music Group)
CCLI Song Number 2354897

Behold The Lamb (MP3)
Behold The Lamb (Lead Sheet) Key of D
Behold The Lamb (Chord Chart) Key of D

Behind the Scenes

How Behold The Lamb came about

This was such a unique song phenomenon.

Back in the Fall of 1997, I was sitting in a piano practice room at ORU just singing in Tongues and worshipping the Lord. As I was worshipping, this particular chord progression & melody effortlessly formed, and I chose to just surrender to it and flow with it and see where the Holy Spirit would take it.

He takes our “Yes” quite literally. I wasn’t quite prepared for what happened next.

His presence started getting thicker and thicker in that room. Then, suddenly, I was taken up in an open vision to the Throne Room. I was brought really really close to the Father’s mouth as He sat on the Throne-just a few inches away to the right side of His face where I could clearly see his lips and just barely see the bottom of His nose.

I realized that I had been taken in an open vision to THAT moment in Eternity when the Father spoke the answer to The problem-THE ANSWER to our problem...

As I was watching His lips move, He drew in a breath and spoke two Words at the same time. Very hard to describe, I heard His voice supernaturally (like a roaring waterfall) say “JESUS” and “GRACE” at the same time.

And I was blown away as I then realized that Jesus Christ was, at the same moment He spoke, conceived through Mary into the human race.

The Father had allowed me to be in front of His Throne near His face at that very moment when He SPOKE His RHEMA answer to the world's sin problem. I don't know how to explain this, but I felt His Word showering down on us all (all of humanity-past-present-and future) as He said "GRACE", and in the same moment, it was like He was saying "JESUS", Jesus was conceived into the Human race...the incarnate Son of God to bring us home to the Father...Grace by God's own choice...He was looking at us and set US (the PRIZE) before His eyes, and Jesus willingly came to pay the price for His beloved. THE ATONEMENT was accomplished so His Bride could be spotless and pure before Him...not cleansed because He couldn't stand filth...cleansed because He Loves us...CLEANSED BY HIM and FOR HIM.

And all of that was going on as I was weeping my grateful eyes out in His glory. It was like incense rising as we ALL responded with grateful hearts as one screaming “THANK YOU!!!!!” together. (On The Recording You'll hear me sing in First Person "Thank You for the Blood ... shed to cleanse ME from my sin" but it could just as easily be "shed to cleanse US from OUR sin...")

And then, I was back in that piano practice room at ORU sobbing still playing that chord progression and melody!

For the next two weeks, whenever I would sit down at a piano to worship, and play that chord progression & melody, I would just start crying and the same gratitude would carry me away! I knew it was a song from Heaven, and I ABSOLUTELY knew what it was about, but I had no lyrics...until two weeks later. Then, suddenly, in the course of around 9 minutes, I wrote down both verses, the Chorus, and the Bridge section. The whole song.

This is what I call a "Throne Room revelation song".

12 responses to “Behold the Lamb”


    Dan, my background in music is not necessary to delve into right now. I have been classical trained and on the road nearly 15 years playing piano for Southern Gospel Groups. I understand the technical side of track cutting and music production.

    I will say, you have done an excellent job with the background tracks combined with the sincerity and calmness of your message in song is wonderful.

    I have listened and meditated to all of your music, some repeatedly. Your music is giving a birthplace for belonging in The Spirit. Your music is a good path of vulnerability building greater clarity for purpose or deeper or more meaningful in my Spiritual life.

    There are a lot of artists out there but your music is very special because it’s like your heart speaking to my heart when I meditate with your music.

    Dan, keep in the Word, keep in prayer, keep hearing the music God is giving you and publish it so it will minister to the people. Keep the music coming to us!

    __Ted E. Shropshire

  2. Troy says:

    I love it! Behold the Lamb!


  3. Isaac Ramón says:

    An amazing song that connects your heart with the presence of God and reflects the love of God in your ears

    __Isaac Ramón

  4. Nate H says:

    I love the guitar work on this, the super peaceful vibe, the real pure vocals, and the unique chord progressions on the bridge. This song is so intimate and engaging and reminds me to cling to God’s grace!

    __Nate H

  5. Everett Schulte says:


    You are one of the most passionate people I know when it comes to music and serving our Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing you personally has blessed me through all these years.

    Love you, brotha!

    __Everett Schulte

  6. Seb castro says:

    You and your music bless me, your passion for the Lord comes out In your music which will bless many and inspire many. A flame of passion will be inspired in many hearts as they listen. God’s is to be the glory. Let your love and passion for God continue to shine into your music. Love you brother.

    __Seb Castro

  7. Skylar Francen says:

    Such an excellent song with words wrapped in the Lords anointing.

    __Skylar Francen

  8. Michelle Silva says:

    This is a beautiful song! This song is anointed and Bro. Dan sings so good. His ministry in song is such a blessing.

    __Michelle Silva

  9. Doug McGaw says:

    I have used this and other other songs on Dan’s CD during workouts; motivating songs!

    __Doug McGaw

  10. Bill says:

    Dan has a deep walk with God and a heart towards helping people and it shows in his music. God had greatly blessed him so that he can bless others.

    __Bill Kerner

  11. Bill Kerner says:

    Dan has a love for God and for people, he is a talented piano player and singer. His music will greatly touch you.

    __Bill Kerner

  12. Roger Brooke says:

    What a beautiful rendition to the Lamb of God. Thank you for the amazing testimony that goes with it. Dan is one of the most on fire people I have ever met, he is always there when you need a friend!

    __Roger Brooke

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